
Configuration for xPawnshop Resource

Framework Configuration

Select the framework you are using on your server.

Currency Configuration

Select the currency you are using on your server.

Inventory Images Configuration

Set the destination of your inventory system's images folder to get images on the xPawnshop UI.

Inventory Configuration

Select the inventory system you are using on your server.

Interaction Handler Configuration

Select the interaction handler system you are using on your server.

CodeM mTextUI Configuration

If you have CodeM's mTextUI resource and you want it to use it on this resource set the value to true, otherwise false.

Pawnshop Settings Configuration

You can adjust the coordinate of the pawnshop, if you want PED to be display on the coord or not, PED spesific vector3 coord, and PED hash to select spesific PED to display on the area in here. Also you can adjust the blip, blip name, blip type, blip color and blip scale in this section as well. You can adjust the categories as your like in here too.

Last updated