Configuration for mMechanic Resource
Last updated
Configuration for mMechanic Resource
Last updated
Set the Config.Framework according to your framework.
Choose the SQL Database system you are using on your server.
Specify the image file path of the inventory you use.
['mechanic'] = must be job name. Add whatever job you will use.
Include here the names of vehicles with the hood on the back.
If there is a category you want to lock, set it to true here.
You can update the label section here. You can update the Price section here. You can lock it by setting the Locked section to true. If you set isFixedPrice true, it increases exponentially depending on the category of the car.
You can select Drawtrext qb-target and ox-target option here.
You can choose which billing script you are using from the okok billing, jaksam billing, esx and qb default section.
Don't forget to add mechanical job names here.
In this section, whichever class the cars are in, when the Fixed Price option is true, it increases the price by a percentage.
Classes are formed according to vehicle speeds. You can adjust the classes by editing this section if you want.