Configuration for mStaff Remake Resource
Last updated
Configuration for mStaff Remake Resource
Last updated
Select the Framework SQL and Inventory script compatible with your server package
Specify the location to access the images for Item images to appear.
Switches to default image or default image appears if the required image is not found.
Choose the outfit script.
If you are using CodeM's mVIP System you can set this value to true. It'll display if the player has VIP Coin or not on their player info.
Time interval in which certain SQL tables should be cleared these pages: reportpage-vehiclepage.
If you want to set admins on your server to player you can use this command.
Set the register key mapping feature from CFX as true or false to start the admin menu user interface with keyboard. You can than type the key code to the " Config.RegisterKeyMapping" to open the user interface.
Set the ban message that'll send to player after they get banned.
Live map page settings 'pageopens' is a more optimized option that updates the data after the page is opened, 'always' always updates the data. Recommended 'pageopens'.
Weather conditions available on your server are compatible with qb-weathersync script by default.
On the Player Page you can set which profession you want to filter the players according to their jobs.
On the STAFF CENTER page, set which functions will be in the Quick Staff Actions section.
Determines which functions are available on the Developer Menu screen.
Determines which functions will be in the Quick Server Options section on the SERVER OPTIONS page.
If you want your admins to interact the menu with admin duty toggle on the user interface (as on/off) set this value to true.
Sets the attire for male and female players when they are on Staff Duty.
Sets the default currency to be displayed on the server UI screen.
Determines Jail coordinates and Jail exit coordinates for players.
Determines whether players in the Jail can move away from the Jail area and the safe area zone that can be moved away from.
"Quick Time Set" on the Dev Menu screen sets the times of the functions.