
Configuration for xMarketplace Resource

Framework Configuration

Select the framework you are using on your server.

SQL Database Configuration

Select the SQL Database you are using on your server.

Profile Picture Configuration

Set the default profile picture by url to the following line.

Automatic SQL Data Clear Configuration

Set it to true if you want it to clear the SQL data every week. If you don't want it set it to false.

Currency Configuration

Set the curreny you are using on your server.

Command Configuration

Set the command line you want it to open the market intarface.

Inventory Image Configuration

Set the destination of your inventories image folder to following line to get images of the items.

Inventory Configuration

Select the inventory system you are using on your server.

Blacklist Items Configuration

If you don't want spesific items to be sold from the xMarketplace add them in here.

Category Configuration

You can set the categories to yourself in here.

Category Items Configuration

Add the items you want it to display on the spesific categories in here.

Notification Configuration

Notifcations can be edited on the config.lua

Last updated