Configuration of mChat Resource
Framework Configuration
You can choose between " oldesx, newesx, newqb, oldqb, autodetect and standalone.
Chat Access Key
" T " is key to open chat as default. You can change it via config.
Join Logs
If set to false chat will not display who is joined the server.
Quit Logs
If set to false chat will not display who is quited from the server.
Blacklisted Words
You can add any blacklisted word you want here if streamer mode is enabled in the settings chat will detect these words and apply censorship.
Admin Configuration
If Config.Framework is set to standalone you need to fill here with admins' Rockstar License IDs
If Config.Framework is set to esx or qb you need to type here permissions
Admin Tags
Ff is true and player is admin adds "admin" tag before name
Admin Chat
If is true enables chat tab between admins
Job Tags
If is true and job_name written in Config.Tags adds job_label tag before player name
Job Chat
If is true enables chat tab between players that has the same job written in Config.Tags
OOC And ALL Chat For RP or PVP Servers
If set to false players can write messages without /ooc command
If set to true adds "ooc" tag when player send a message in "all" or "ooc" channels
ID Display
Determines displaying id in chat when someone write something
Player Names
If set to true displays rp names
If Config.Framework is set to standalone you can add tags and people here with this example
If Config.Framework is set to esx or qb you need to type here job name and tag labels also you can leave members empty. (If tag key is not a job you still need to fill members table).
Typing Indicator
If true enable "..." over player head when typing to chat
Dot or any text you want
Text scale
Useful if you want to move text overhead somewhere else
Dot color when there is just one "." displaying
Dot color when there are two ".." displaying
Dot color when there are three "..." displaying
Dot color if Config.DotText is set to other than 'dot'
Last updated