
Configuration of mChat Resource

Framework Configuration

You can choose between " oldesx, newesx, newqb, oldqb, autodetect and standalone.

Config.Framework = 'autodetect' 

Chat Access Key

" T " is key to open chat as default. You can change it via config.

Config.ChatOpenKey = 245 --

Join Logs

If set to false chat will not display who is joined the server.

Config.ShowJoins = true

Quit Logs

If set to false chat will not display who is quited from the server.

Config.ShowQuits= true

Blacklisted Words

You can add any blacklisted word you want here if streamer mode is enabled in the settings chat will detect these words and apply censorship.

Config.BlacklistedWords = {

Admin Configuration

If Config.Framework is set to standalone you need to fill here with admins' Rockstar License IDs

 Config.Admins = {

If Config.Framework is set to esx or qb you need to type here permissions

    Config.Admins = {

Config.Admins = {

Admin Tags

Ff is true and player is admin adds "admin" tag before name

Config.EnableAdminTag = true 

Admin Chat

If is true enables chat tab between admins

Config.EnableAdminChat = true

Job Tags

If is true and job_name written in Config.Tags adds job_label tag before player name

Config.EnableJobTags = true 

Job Chat

If is true enables chat tab between players that has the same job written in Config.Tags

Config.EnableJobChats = true 

OOC And ALL Chat For RP or PVP Servers

If set to false players can write messages without /ooc command

Config.EnableOOCCommand = true

If set to true adds "ooc" tag when player send a message in "all" or "ooc" channels

Config.EnableOOCTag = true

ID Display

Determines displaying id in chat when someone write something

Config.ShowID = true

Player Names

If set to true displays rp names

Config.EnableRPNames = true


If Config.Framework is set to standalone you can add tags and people here with this example

    Config.Tags = {
        ["ballas"] = {
            shadow = '0px 0px 11px rgba(0, 209, 255, 0.25)',
            bg = 'rgba(0, 209, 255, 0.33)',
            borderColor = '2px solid rgba(0, 209, 255, 0.37)',
            textColor = '#00D1FF',
            label = 'BLS',
            members = {

If Config.Framework is set to esx or qb you need to type here job name and tag labels also you can leave members empty. (If tag key is not a job you still need to fill members table).

 Config.Tags = {
        ["ballas"] = {
            shadow = '0px 0px 11px rgba(0, 209, 255, 0.25)',
            bg = 'rgba(0, 209, 255, 0.33)',
            borderColor = '2px solid rgba(0, 209, 255, 0.37)',
            textColor = '#00D1FF',
            label = 'BLS',
            members = {},

Config.Tags = {}lua

Typing Indicator

If true enable "..." over player head when typing to chat

Config.EnableTypingIndicator = true 

Dot or any text you want

Config.DotText = 'dot' 

Text scale

Config.DotScale = 0.8

Useful if you want to move text overhead somewhere else

Config.DotOffset = {x = 0.37, y = 0.0, z = 0.0} 

Dot color when there is just one "." displaying

Config.Dot1Color = {r = 255, g = 255, b = 255} 

Dot color when there are two ".." displaying

Config.Dot2Color = {r = 255, g = 255, b = 255} 

Dot color when there are three "..." displaying

Config.Dot3Color = {r = 255, g = 255, b = 255}

Dot color if Config.DotText is set to other than 'dot'

Config.CustomDotTextColor = {r = 255, g = 255, b = 255}

Last updated