
Adjustments for mLoadingscreen Resource

Theme Adjustment

  • Open provided config file.

  • Fing " Config.Theme " .

Now you can set the theme you want among these options.

Loadingscreen Music Adjustment

To change the loadingscreen music do the following steps.

  • Go to " m-loadingscreen/html/assets/music ".

  • Delete the current music.mp3 folder.

  • Add the music you want with " music.mp3 " name. Done!

Background Image Adjustment

To change the loadingscreen background image do the following steps.

  • Go to " m-loadingscreen/html/assets/background".

  • Add your image. ( File extension must be a png. )

  • Then go to config file.

  • Find " Config.BackgroundImage " .

  • Change the option value with the file name. ( File extension must be inclueded.)

eg. Config.BackgroundImage = 'my_image.png'

Background Video Adjustment

To change the bacground image to video do the following steps.

  • Go to " m-loadingscreen/html/assets/background".

  • Add your video. ( File extension must be webm. )

  • Then go to config.

  • Find " Config.BackgroundImage "

  • Change the option value with the file name ( File extension must be included. )

eg. Config.BackgroundImage = 'my_video.webm'

Translation Adjustment

To change the language of the script do the following steps.

  • Open provided config file.

  • Find " Config.Language ".

  • Then you can change all the texts you want to your languages from there.

Top Left Server Name Adjustment

To change the top left server name in the left navi do the following steps.

  • Open provided config file.

  • Find " Config.ServerName "

  • Then you can change the server name from there.

Patch Notes Adjustment

To change the patch notes in the left navi do the following steps.

  • Open provided config file.

  • Find " Config.PatchNotes ".

  • Then you can change the patch notes from there.

Preview Commands Adjustment ( Keybinds Page )

To change the 2 of previewed commands in keybinds page do the following steps.

  • Open provided config file.

  • Find " Config.PreviewCommands ".

  • Then you can change the preview commands from there. ( Examples are already given there.)

Be aware that you can only put 2 commands as preview in there.

Commands Adjustment

To change the commands in keybinds page do the following steps.

  • Open provided config file.

  • Find " Config.Commands "

  • Then you can change the commands from there. ( Examples are already given there. )

You can add here as many as commands you want.

To change the social media button links do the following steps.

  • Open provided config file.

  • Find " Config.ButtonLinks ".

  • Then you can change the links from there.

Default Music Playback Adjustment

To change the playback toggle do the following steps.

This option allows music to play by default when players are on the loading screen if you want to disable music by default set the option to false otherwise set it to true.

  • Open provided config file.

  • Find " Config.PlayMusicByDefault ".

  • Then you can adjust the value from here.

Hint Message Adjustment

To change the hint messages on middle do the following steps.

  • Open provided config file.

  • Find " Config.HintMessages ".

  • Then you can change messages from here. ( Examples are already given there.)

Left Navi Footages Adjustment

To change the footages on top left navi do the following steps. ( You can add images here as much as you want.)

  • Open provided config file.

  • Find " Config.Albums ".

  • Then you can change images/videos from here. ( Examples are already given there.)

  • To add a video you need to write the Youtube ID.

Footages Preview Images Adjustment

To change the footages preview images do the following steps. ( This is limited to maximum 2 images. Don't try to add more. )

  • Open provided config file.

  • Find " Config.AlbumsThumbnail ".

  • Then you can change images from here. ( Examples are already given there.)

Logo Adjustment

To change the logo do the following steps. You can either use the default one or put a custom url link for your logo.

  • Open provided config file.

  • Find " Config.Logo".

  • Then set the option value to your link.

Keybinds Adjustment

To change the keybinds do the following steps. Note : This can be little hard to understand for beginners.

  • Open provided config file.

  • Find " Config.Keybinds "

How to add info for press event

  • First you need to find the key value in " Config.Keybinds " eg. F7,G etc.

  • Then you need to add pressInfo if not already exist and write the info text you want.

How to add info for double press event

  • First you need to find the key value in " Config.Keybinds " eg. F6, F7 etc.

  • Then you need to add doubePressInfo if not already exist and write the info text you want.

How to add info for combinations

Sometimes some keys combined with each other like " SHIFT + E " etc. We provided this solution for those keys.

  • First you need to find the key value in " Config.Keybinds ". eg. F6, F7 etc.

  • Then you need to add combinations if not already exist and then add the values you want. ( Examples are already given there. )

How to remove a keybind info

  • First you need to find the key value in " Config.Keybinds ". eg. F6, F7 etc.

  • Then you need to set its value to false.

Last updated