
Adjustments for mVehicleshop Resource

Default Vehicles Presets Adjustment

We opened the example_preset table into the DefaultVehiclesPresets table in ./config_presets.lua

Existed value and the value we enter here must be the same.

In this table, we enter category ids (eg example_category_id, muscle) and add the tools in it.

In the same file, we find the DefaultCategoriesPresets value and add the example_preset table that we created as an example, and we name the categories as seen in the photo.

Creating New Vehicleshop

In the ./config.lua file, create a new table with a unique id in the Locations table. For example;

We need to give the defaultPreset value at the bottom of the photo, the id we want to use here (eg example_preset).

Giving Permission To Player

On the console or chat admins simply needs to type;

/givevehicleshop <shop_id> <player_id> -- Example ( /givevehicleshop plane_shop_1 1 )

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