
Configuration for mBaby Resource

Framework Configuration

Select framework you're using options are autodetect, newesx, oldesx, newqb, oldqb

SQL Configuration

Select the sql you're using option are oxmysql, ghmattimysql, mysql-async from config.

If you are using mysql-async or ghmattimysql, adjust it in fxmanifest.

Interaction Handler Configuration

This is an option that allows you to choose how to access the npc or stroller.

If you are using something else you can edit Config.OpenTrigger

Discord Bot Token

Create a discord bot token and paste it to here (this is necessary to get players' discord profile image).

Language Configuration

You can set the language systems we support in the configuration, or you can change them in the locales file.

Adopt Fee Configuration

This option allows you to set the fee to be charged when someone adopts a baby

Max Adopt, Status, Baby Save Time

Max adopt is the maximum number of babies a player can adoptIf Status is false, the baby status is disabled.

Baby Save Time you can set how many minutes to save the baby database.

Register Key Mapping

If you disable the registerkeymapping system you must change HudOpenKey and StrollerKey.

Display Button And Status Settings

If you make the button you want not to appear in the Display buttons section false, it will not appear again until you make it true again.

In the status settings, you can set its visibility, how much it decreases or increases per minute.

How To Add New Adaption Center

From Config.Adoptions [1] { .. } copy the section and change number [2] { .. } and change Pad settings and Blip Settings

How To Add New Baby

['Babies'] = { scroll down to the bottom. The gender of the baby

The name of the image for the baby

The name of the background image for the baby

The color of the button for the baby

The age of the baby

The model name for the baby

you can change it and add a new baby

How To Add New Items

['Market'] = { scroll down to the bottom

You can do it this way and remember that after 6 items you need to go to the next page for the other 6 items

Baby Dances And Sit Animation

In this section you can change the sit animation and dances.

How To Change Stroller Prop

  1. Add your prop in stream files and adjust in fxmanifest.

  2. Open client/sroller.lua and search babystroller and replace them with your prop name.

If your player is holding the prop incorrectly, you need to change the values in AttachEntityToEntity here.


Last updated