Configuration of mSpawn Resource
Last updated
Configuration of mSpawn Resource
Last updated
Framework Configuration
You can choose between (esx-qb) in config file.
If you are using custom framework name configure that to your framework name.
Configure the " CreateTrigger " function to your framework.
Configure the " OnSpawnSelected " function to your framework.
Check the database config and if not true select the correct one.
If you selected the Profile Photo options as discord on config.lua you need to put your discord bot token to this file to stated code line.
The spawnLocations values, on the other hand, are registered to sql once when the script first starts and pull the values through sql until the sql table is deleted. that is, if you change anything in the config after the script is started, that change will not be applied until the sql is deleted.
If the jobSpawnLocations value is the entered key value, it will change what the button in the lower left corner is. If the player's occupation is not in that table, the defaultJobSpawn value will appear.