Venice HUD v2
Venice HUD v2 Documentation
Last updated
Venice HUD v2 Documentation
Last updated
Unzip the script folder than copy or cut everything inside file and paste it on your server resources folder. ( NOTE : If you are using Filezilla and getting error like the linked image please use "WINSCP".
Add the script to you server config : " ensure codem-venicehud ". ( NOTE : Please don't change the script name or folder name.)
When you open the config file you'll see a lines of codes to configure it to your server.
Choose your server framework.
( NOTE : If you don't know which version qb your server is, check your scripts' files, if you see something like this in your scripts, choose oldqb )
if you see this you can choose newqb
Choose your server sql.
Choose your server voice system.
Edit this lines according to your fuel system.
If you have changed keys such as belt, cruise control via config and the old ones are still active when you enter the game, change the name of the script.
If you think stress isn't working, make sure your profession isn't a cop or a doctor.
If you are using qb-core and hud is not loading even though there are no errors, check your spawn script and search for it in "client.lua"
If you cannot see the above event in your spawn script
add before event named.
It should look like this when you do it