Configuration for mHunting Resource
Framework Configuration
Set | Config.Framework | according to your framework (esx, qb, oldqb).
SQL Configuration
Choose the SQL Database system you are using on your server. Options are (oxmysql | mysql-async | ghmattimysql).
Inventory Configuration
Set the | Config.Inventory | to inventory you use (qb-inventory | ox_inventory).
If you are using an inventory other than ox_inventory and qb-inventory you have to make changes to | shared.lua |
Player Name Configuration
| Config.UseCharacterName | If you want the names specified in the UI to be character names, set this property to true (true | false).
Server Logo Configuration
| Config.Server | Image UI changes server photo in top left.
Vehicle Configuration
| Config.VehicleHash | Hash code of the car to be given to the hunter (ex : "kamacho").
To give a key when the vehicle is spawned You should edit the "m-hunting:client:SpawnVehicle" event on | client-editable.lua | .
Vehicle Spawn Coords Configuration
| Config.CarSpawnCoord | Kamacho spawn location (vector).
Weapon Configuration
| Config.WeaponHash | Hash code of the weapon item to be given to the hunter (ex: "weapon_heavysniper").
Ammo Configuration
| Config.Ammo | The amount of bullets on the weapon given to the hunter (number).
PED Configuration
| Config.Ped |Hash code of generated pad to interact with UI (ex : "cs_hunter")
PED Coords Configuration
| Config.PedCoords | Location (vector) of the pad created to interact with the UI.
XP Configuration
| Config.RandomXPForKillAnimal | The amount of xp a person will gain when killing an animal while the hunter is on the job (ex : {min = 5, max = 20}).
Default Profile Photo Configuration
| Config.DefaultPicture | The photo to be used when we cannot use the steam photos of the people on the UI or when there is a problem.
Attention To use this feature, make sure that the "set steam_webApiKey" value exists on server.cfg.
| Config.Translate | You can translate the texts in this section according to your language.
Last updated