Configuration Guide for mPausemenu v2
Last updated
Configuration Guide for mPausemenu v2
Last updated
Select framework you're using options are esx, newqb, oldqb or autodetect.
Select the sql you're using options are oxmysql, ghmattimysql, mysql-async.
Select the theme you would like.
Add link of your discord server.
Add webhook to get notified when someone purchase a MLO.
If you use codem-multicharacter you can set this to true.
If you are using another multicharcter system you can adjust the codelines down below.
You can change permissions from here to create/edit guidebooks/keybinds/commands.
To change keybinds if Config.UseRegisterKeyMappingSystem is true please reference here.
You can add new commands in this config also this can be added from in game ui.
You need to adjust clothing system for ped system.
You can add new keybinds in this config also this can be added from in game ui.
You can add/change daily award items from here.
You can change battlepass settings from here it's self-explanatory.
You can change store items from here it's self-explanatory.
To enable or disable navbar options you can change the codes from here.