Configuration for mMDT AIO resource
Last updated
Configuration for mMDT AIO resource
Last updated
Select the framework you are using on your server. Options are stated on the related command line.
Select the SQL Database you are using your server. Options are stated on the related command line.
Select the interaction hander you are using on your server. Options are stated on the related command line. For this spesific configuration you need to navigate to " shared/locker.lua " and edit from here.
You can check and edit the accessibility of professions here.
You can set grades in the access section for permissions.
If your framework does not support boss grade, you can set it here.
Here you can set items and commands as you wish.
The tag used on the pages can be set here. When you make changes here, do not forget to delete it from the 'mmdt_tags' table on the database.
Upload Methods we support are Fivemanage and Discord, when you change them, do not forget to change them via editable/server/apKeys.lua.
You can change key combinations and labels via AssetsKeys.
You can set the unit commands here.If you are not using EnableRegisterKeyMapping, please do not forget to change the keys.
When you have a problem with prop, you can fix it using the /propfix command (in some specific cases, but not always). You can set the prop model and offsets here.
You can set offsets, control keys and default cameras via Config.CCTVS settings. To add a default camera, copy and paste the existing one underneath and change where you want to change.
@camId = Sequence numbers on the config @toggle = true = enable , false = disable @time = second ex. 20
You can set it by entering discordlog via " editable/server/apKeys.lua. "