Installation of mFishing Remake Resource
Step 1 - Drag And Drop
Drag and drop the " [codem-fishing] " folder to your resources folder.
Step 2 - SQL Installation
mFishing Remake automaticly inserts the sql file to your database. No need for any extra installation for sql files.
Step 3 - Item Adjustment
You can get the items from items.lua file we provided in here. You need to add them to your own inventory system.
alabamasturgeon = { name = 'alabamasturgeon', label = 'Alabama Sturgeon', weight = 100, type = 'item', image = 'alabamasturgeon.png', unique = false, useable = false, shouldClose = false, description = 'Fish' },
americanshad = { name = 'americanshad', label = 'American Shad', weight = 100, type = 'item', image = 'americanshad.png', unique = false, useable = false, shouldClose = false, description = 'Fish' },
arowana = { name = 'arowana', label = 'Arowana', weight = 100, type = 'item', image = 'arowana.png', unique = false, useable = false, shouldClose = false, description = 'Fish' },
blackcrappie = { name = 'blackcrappie', label = 'Black Crappie', weight = 100, type = 'item', image = 'blackcrappie.png', unique = false, useable = false, shouldClose = false, description = 'Fish' },
bluebackherring = { name = 'bluebackherring', label = 'Blueback Herring', weight = 100, type = 'item', image = 'bluebackherring.png', unique = false, useable = false, shouldClose = false, description = 'Fish' },
bluegill = { name = 'bluegill', label = 'Bluegill', weight = 100, type = 'item', image = 'bluegill.png', unique = false, useable = false, shouldClose = false, description = 'Fish' },
bream = { name = 'bream', label = 'Bream', weight = 100, type = 'item', image = 'bream.png', unique = false, useable = false, shouldClose = false, description = 'Fish' },
brooktrout = { name = 'brooktrout', label = 'Brooktrout', weight = 100, type = 'item', image = 'brooktrout.png', unique = false, useable = false, shouldClose = false, description = 'Fish' },
bulltrout = { name = 'bulltrout', label = 'Bulltrout', weight = 100, type = 'item', image = 'bulltrout.png', unique = false, useable = false, shouldClose = false, description = 'Fish' },
coloradominnow = { name = 'coloradominnow', label = 'Coloradominnow', weight = 100, type = 'item', image = 'coloradominnow.png', unique = false, useable = false, shouldClose = false, description = 'Fish' },
crappie = { name = 'crappie', label = 'Crappie', weight = 100, type = 'item', image = 'crappie.png', unique = false, useable = false, shouldClose = false, description = 'Fish' },
cruciancarp = { name = 'cruciancarp', label = 'Cruciancarp', weight = 100, type = 'item', image = 'cruciancarp.png', unique = false, useable = false, shouldClose = false, description = 'Fish' },
drumfish = { name = 'drumfish', label = 'Drum fish', weight = 100, type = 'item', image = 'drumfish.png', unique = false, useable = false, shouldClose = false, description = 'Fish' },
goldentrout = { name = 'goldentrout', label = 'Golden trout', weight = 100, type = 'item', image = 'goldentrout.png', unique = false, useable = false, shouldClose = false, description = 'Fish' },
koicarpblack = { name = 'koicarpblack', label = 'Koicarp Black', weight = 100, type = 'item', image = 'koicarpblack.png', unique = false, useable = false, shouldClose = false, description = 'Fish' },
lahontantrout = { name = 'lahontantrout', label = 'Lahontan trout', weight = 100, type = 'item', image = 'lahontantrout.png', unique = false, useable = false, shouldClose = false, description = 'Fish' },
lakesturgeon = { name = 'lakesturgeon', label = 'Lake Sturgeon', weight = 100, type = 'item', image = 'lakesturgeon.png', unique = false, useable = false, shouldClose = false, description = 'Fish' },
laketrout = { name = 'laketrout', label = 'Lake trout', weight = 100, type = 'item', image = 'laketrout.png', unique = false, useable = false, shouldClose = false, description = 'Fish' },
palidsturgeon = { name = 'palidsturgeon', label = 'Palidsturgeon', weight = 100, type = 'item', image = 'palidsturgeon.png', unique = false, useable = false, shouldClose = false, description = 'Fish' },
pearchy = { name = 'pearchy', label = 'Pearchy', weight = 100, type = 'item', image = 'pearchy.png', unique = false, useable = false, shouldClose = false, description = 'Fish' },
perch = { name = 'perch', label = 'Perch', weight = 100, type = 'item', image = 'perch.png', unique = false, useable = false, shouldClose = false, description = 'Fish' },
pike = { name = 'pike', label = 'Pike', weight = 100, type = 'item', image = 'pike.png', unique = false, useable = false, shouldClose = false, description = 'Fish' },
shark = { name = 'shark', label = 'Shark', weight = 100, type = 'item', image = 'shark.png', unique = false, useable = false, shouldClose = false, description = 'Fish' },
shortnosesucker = { name = 'shortnosesucker', label = 'Shortnosesucker', weight = 100, type = 'item', image = 'shortnosesucker.png', unique = false, useable = false, shouldClose = false, description = 'Fish' },
silvermonnow = { name = 'silvermonnow', label = 'Silver Monnow', weight = 100, type = 'item', image = 'silvermonnow.png', unique = false, useable = false, shouldClose = false, description = 'Fish' },
smallmouthbass = { name = 'smallmouthbass', label = 'Small mouth bass', weight = 100, type = 'item', image = 'smallmouthbass.png', unique = false, useable = false, shouldClose = false, description = 'Fish' },
strippedbass = { name = 'strippedbass', label = 'Stripped Bass', weight = 100, type = 'item', image = 'strippedbass.png', unique = false, useable = false, shouldClose = false, description = 'Fish' },
sweetfish = { name = 'sweetfish', label = 'Sweet Fish', weight = 100, type = 'item', image = 'sweetfish.png', unique = false, useable = false, shouldClose = false, description = 'Fish' },
walleye = { name = 'walleye', label = 'Walleye', weight = 100, type = 'item', image = 'walleye.png', unique = false, useable = false, shouldClose = false, description = 'Fish' },
whitebass = { name = 'whitebass', label = 'White Bass', weight = 100, type = 'item', image = 'whitebass.png', unique = false, useable = false, shouldClose = false, description = 'Fish' },
whitefish = { name = 'whitefish', label = 'White Fish', weight = 100, type = 'item', image = 'whitefish.png', unique = false, useable = false, shouldClose = false, description = 'Fish' },
doublehook = { name = 'doublehook', label = 'Double Hook', weight = 100, type = 'item', image = 'doublehook.png', unique = false, useable = false, shouldClose = false, description = 'Fishing Bait' },
spoonlure = { name = 'spoonlure', label = 'Spoon Lure', weight = 100, type = 'item', image = 'spoonlure.png', unique = false, useable = false, shouldClose = false, description = 'Fishing Bait' },
tailfish = { name = 'tailfish', label = 'Tail fish', weight = 100, type = 'item', image = 'tailfish.png', unique = false, useable = false, shouldClose = false, description = 'Fishing Bait' },
threesided = { name = 'threesided', label = 'Three Sided', weight = 100, type = 'item', image = 'threesided.png', unique = false, useable = false, shouldClose = false, description = 'Fishing Bait' },
triplehook = { name = 'triplehook', label = 'Triple Hook', weight = 100, type = 'item', image = 'triplehook.png', unique = false, useable = false, shouldClose = false, description = 'Fishing Bait' },
danishrod = { name = 'danishrod', label = 'Danish Rod', weight = 100, type = 'item', image = 'danishrod.png', unique = false, useable = true, shouldClose = true, description = 'Fishing Rod' },
finewoodrod = { name = 'finewoodrod', label = 'Finewood Rod', weight = 100, type = 'item', image = 'finewoodrod.png', unique = false, useable = true, shouldClose = true, description = 'Fishing Rod' },
koirod = { name = 'koirod', label = 'Koi Rod', weight = 100, type = 'item', image = 'koirod.png', unique = false, useable = true, shouldClose = true, description = 'Fishing Rod' },
standartrod = { name = 'standartrod', label = 'Standart Rod', weight = 100, type = 'item', image = 'standartrod.png', unique = false, useable = true, shouldClose = true, description = 'Fishing Rod' },
woodenrod = { name = 'woodenrod', label = 'Wooden Rod', weight = 100, type = 'item', image = 'woodenrod.png', unique = false, useable = true, shouldClose = true, description = 'Fishing Rod' },
Step 4 - Start The Script
Start the script either in " server.cfg " file or any server manager panels such as txAdmin or mAdmin.
Last updated