Configuration of mFishing Remake Resource
Last updated
Configuration of mFishing Remake Resource
Last updated
Select the framework you are using on your server.
Select the SQL Database you are using on your server.
Select the interaction handler system you are using on your server.
Select the currency unit you are using on your server.
Select the language you are using on your server.
Set any default profile picture you want from here.
URL format must be ending with " .png ".
If you want to get notified for the version of the script from server side make this true if not false.
Select the inventory system you are using on your server.
If you want to enable discord log for the market actions make this true if not false.
If you want to delete the log datas after days you can adjust the day parameter from here. This option will secure your server from high data exposes.
mFishing Remake comes with its unique minigame. If you want to adjust the minigame time change time from here. (Parameter is in seconds.),
This option determines when the next fish will appear on the players screen. You can adjust it from here. This is also second base parameter.
Determines the each caught experience point to player. You can adjust it from here.
You can adjust the key bindings in the minigame for the actions from here.
Admins can set the players level with this command.
Usage /setfishinglevel [ID] [level]
You can select the admin perms can do admin actions on the mFishing Remake from here.
You can adjust the fishing menu npc settings from here.
You can adjust the boat rent npc settings from here.
You can change the boats for rent settings from here.
You can change boats spawn coordinates from here.
You can change rod models as you like from here.
You can add, delete or adjust daily mission settings from here.
You can add,delete or adjust daily delivery settings from here.
You can change rod and bait items settings from here.
You can adjust the leveling system logic from here.
You can select the fuel system you are using on your server from here.
If you are using another fuel system you can adjust the export codes from here as well.
Select the vehicle key system you are using on your server.
If you are using another vehicle key system you can adjust the export codes from here as well.
mFishing Remake comes with its own notification system. If you want to use your own notification system you can adjust the export codes from her.e