
Configuration for mBilling v2 Resource


Select the framework you are using on your server.

Config.Framework = "qb" -- esx, oldesx, qb, oldqb, qbox

SQL Database

Select the database system you are using on your server.

Config.SQL = "oxmysql"  -- oxmysql, ghmattimysql, mysql-async

Version Checker

If you want to enable version update notifications on your server make it true if not false.

Config.VersionChecker = true


All of the language files stored in the " codem-billingv2 > locales " folder. You can translate the language you want from another language files. After creating your locales folder name it. After you named the file put the file name on the config to complete your translation.

Config.Language = "en"

Tax Check Interval

You can adjust the tax check interval for personal taxes in here. The format is in minutes so you need to adjust the first paramter on the code.

Config.TaxCheckInterval = 30 * 60 * 1000 --  30  Minutes

Interaction Handler

Select the interaction handler system you are using on your server.

Config.InteractionHandler    = "qb_target"

Default Profile Picture

If you are not using discord API's to get players profile picture you can append a default picture profile you want in here. Please be aware that URL link must and with " .png " format.

Config.DefaultProfilePicture = ""

Nearby Players Name

If you want to show nearby players name make the paramter true, if you want to show the players ID's on the nearby players section make it false.

Config.ShowNearbyPlayersName = true


Select the currency unit you are using on your server.

Config.CurrencyUnit = "$"

Tablet Prop

mBilling v2 comes with his own tablet prop. If you want to change the prop you can set it from here.

Config.TabletPropName = "codem_billing_tablet"

House System

mBilling v2 controls the house ownership as default tax value. If you want to use this default tax system you need to put your housing script name to work it on the mBilling v2.

Config.HouseScript = "qb-houses"

QB's New Management System

If you want to use QB Cores new management system feature make this paramter true if not make it false.

Config.NewManagementSystem = true

Overdue Dates

mBilling v2 also feautures a overdue interest system. You can determine how many days needs to be passed to made the bills on over due from here.

Config.OverDueDate = 7 -- Days

You can determine how many days needs to pass to get the bills automaticly paid from players bank account on over due situation.

Config.HowManyDaysInvoiceAutomaticallyCharged = 2

Tax Rate

You can adjust the invoice tax rate players need to pay in each bills from here.

Config.Tax = 0.18

Nearby Players Distance

You can determine the nearby players radius to be billed in the invoice creation area from here.

Config.BillingDistance = 5.0

Tax To Invoice Holder

If you want to send the tax amount to invoice holder make this paramter true, if not make it false.

Config.TaxToInvoiceHolder = false

Blacklist Jobs For Applications

You can determine which jobs can not apply for the job billing system.

Config.DisableJobs = {
    ['unemployed'] = true
    --- you can add more jobs

Open Key

You can set the keybinding for opening the billing tablet from here.

Config.OpenBillingMenuKey = 'F7'

Cooldown Timer

You can determine the cooldown timer in seconds from here.

Please be aware that the system is need to protect any exploit from the cheaters. So making it zero may harm your server.

Config.CoolDoownTimer = 1000

Maximum Billing Amount

You can determine the maximum value of the billing amount that can be issues to players from here.

Config.MaxBillingAmount = 1000000

How To Store The Money

If you want to store the billing moneys on the mBilling v2 built in vault make this parameter false. If you want to send the money directly to players bank account make it true.

Config.TransferToBank = true

Automatic Data Cleaning

You can determine after how many days that the admin logs and billing invoices will be deleted from here.

Config.SqlSettings = {
    DeleteAdminLogTime = 5,   -- days  How many days after admin logs are deleted from sql
    DeletePaidBillingTime = 5 -- days  How many days after paid bills are deleted from sql

Application NPC

You can change the application NPC settings from here.

Config.ApprovalBilling = {
    NpcCoords = vector3(-545.12, -204.4, 38.22 - 0.98),
    NpcHeading = 206.46,
    NpcModel = "mp_f_boatstaff_01",
    Blip = {
        Show = true,
        Sprite = 540,
        Color = 5,
        Name = "Billing Approval",
        Scale = 0.7,

Admin Permissions

You can set which admin roles can control the mBilling v2's admin menu in here.

Config.AdminPermissions = {

Tax System

You can adjust the settings for both personal and business taxes from here.

Config.DefaultTaxes = {
        label = 'House Ownership',
        hours = 01,
        minutes = 00,
        amount = 100,
        active = true,
        uniqueid = Config.TaxTypes.HOUSE,
        type = 'citizen',
        system = 'yes'
        label = 'Vehicle Ownership',
        hours = 02,
        minutes = 00,
        amount = 100,
        active = true,
        uniqueid = Config.TaxTypes.VEHICLE,
        type = 'citizen',
        system = 'yes'

        label = 'Business Ownership',
        hours = 02,
        minutes = 00,
        amount = 100,
        active = true,
        uniqueid = Config.TaxTypes.OWNERSHIP,
        type = 'business',
        system = 'yes'

Last updated