Tebex Integration
Tebex Integration for CodeM Resources Documentation
Last updated
Tebex Integration for CodeM Resources Documentation
Last updated
1- First click on Game Servers button on navbar and then click on "CONNECT YOUR FIRST GAME SERVER" button.
2- Select plugin here and click Continue.
3- Enter name of your server then click Continue again.
4- Click copy command and paste it to server.cfg then restart your server and when Not Connected indicator turns green and says connected click continue.
5- Click Packages button on navbar and create a new package on that page by clicking Add New button.
6- Type description and name of the package.
7- Click game server commands button here.
8- Set your settings according to this and paste this to command input.
9- Click settings icon and this will open.
10- Set the options like in the screenshot and click on Create.
11- When someone is purchased battlepass package he can claim the battlepass with tbx-id.